Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Driving in the snow

Living in Virginia for 17 years now, I am convinced that people can't drive in the snow. Being from Michigan everyone knows that snow driving isn't rocket science. It's just a fact of life.

I realize that Virginia does not get much snow. But that's no excuse. I drove out of our neighborhood yesterday with about 3 inches of snow on the ground. The car in front of me fish-tailed at least 5 times, almost hit the ditch, and almost ran head-on to the oncoming car! All in our neighborhood. I drove to the gas station, bank, friend's house, restaurant,and back home and not one fish-tail.

WHY? I know how to drive in snow. Snow does not scare me. I slow down, "feel" the car more, and refuse to slam on the breaks every minute. Two cars, same road, same snow, but different results! One almost got in a wreck, the other (me) got to several places safely.

On the Christian journey, it seems that many Christians let the "snow" in life panic them. They experience some trouble and just slam on the breaks. They wake up not expecting 3 inches of snow on the road. They don't adjust. Or, in the process of dealing with the snow, they slam into someone else. Snow may change the road, but we can still move on. Slow down, walk in the Spirit, be sensitive, don't drive on auto-pilot.

I noticed yesterday that snow showed what drivers are REALLY like. Most were cautious, responsible, and safe. Some were panicky, rash, and unsafe. All were drivers, but the mature ones could be seen a mile away.

When another Christian is about to slam into you, (being rude, rash, etc...) it may not be you. They may have received 3 inches of snow on their road and they are having a hard time adjusting. Pray and help them from heading to the ditch.

1 comment:

Kathy Lundberg said...

What an excellent comparison! I agree on both accounts. I hail from TX but lived in upstate NY for almost 10 years so I know what you mean.

Thanks for your insights!