Saturday, October 10, 2009

From Ashes to Glory

From Ashes to Glory

A friend sent me this neat email describing a new Naval Ship that will be set sail in November of this year. The USS New York was built from metal that came from the World Trade Center from 9-11. Out of the horror, the failure, the death, the chaos of that terrible day, we now have a glorious ship that represents America's determination, courage, and refusal to stay in defeat.

When I think of my life's failures, I sometimes see a scrap of steel girders, ash, and rubble. I don't know how God can pick all that mess up and use it. But he does, and what He creates from our failings is something new, unexpected, and glorious! Who would have thought that the mess from ground zero would be sailing the high seas on voyages for America's glory? God takes our mess, turns it into a glorious sailing vessel, then he places his flag of glory on us and says, "Set sail! Go in my name and "NEVER FORGET" what I've done for you!"

Psalm 113 :7,9b says, " He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.....Praise the Lord."