Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July

Happy Belated 4th of July

I spent mine with some cool folks eating steamed crabs. It's a big East Coast thing. You spread newspaper on the table, and eat for hours. It takes hours to break the crabs apart and search for a morsel of the sweet meat. Nothing like crabs from the Chesapeake Bay!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thoughts on Creation

I was just thinking about creation as my son Jimmy was talking about God as the creator:
1. The Holy Spirit hovered over the deep, energizing the raw materials for the creation...
2. God SPOKE and all things came into being. He used his WORD.
3. Jesus is the great LOGOS, the WORD who was there at creation.
4. When God created man, he didn't use words. He "formed" man with his own two hands. Then he breathed into man with his spirit.

HOW COOL! Man is totally different from all other creation. God used words to create everything else, but he used his own hands and breathe to create man. This is why murder, abortion, gossip, abuse, violence and hate are so wrong. These sins attack God's highest creation, man and woman, which he created in His image.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010


I think it so interesting as we celebrate Pentecost today. Back in Genesis, when God scattered man, he divided him with many languages. Now, on the birthday of the church, when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon man/woman alike, he breaks through the barrier of language just like a hot knife through butter! Languages are the consequence of Man disobeying God. Many times, we think that God cannot break through our consequences from disobeying God. WRONG! Just as he gave the disciples the gift of language that day, so God can break through our troubles that are often from long-ago sins. He wants to do a new work with his Spirit in us.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


1 egg, beaten
1 3/4 cups milk
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons butter

1.In a saucepan over medium heat, whisk together the egg, milk and brown sugar. Mix in the oats. When the oatmeal begins to boil, cook and stir until thick. Remove from the heat, and stir in butter until melted. Serve immediately.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Farmville and Life

Farmville and Life

I have just entered the world of Facebook. At first I tried it and was overwhelmed with the "stuff" I got and the long-lost people who wanted me to confirm them as friends. So I quit. But I just got back on and am enjoying it slowly....I am officially hooked on the adorable game called "Farmville" which involves plowing, planting, harvesting and buying crops for your own farm.

I'm also learning a lot in my Bible Study, "Conversation Peace". It challenges me to use speech as a way to build up relationships rather than build up strong towers for myself that "I AM RIGHT!". The author asks, "Do you focus on getting what you want, or do you try till the soil and cultivate the relationship?"


Over the centuries, Christians have focused on doctrine, thesis statements, and IDEAS and many times have forgotten the PEOPLE in the process. Yes, doctrine is important, making a stand for your faith is important, but 98% of the time we can soften our words to make a PERSON feel like a PERSON. It's not about being right, it's about being Christ-like. Christ shared His truth never by beating it over the heads of folks. He spoke in gentle stories, firey parables and always, always, always with LOVE.

I can learn a lot from that.

I need to think of conversations just as I think of Farmville's tasks....trying to produce positive things in the soil of others so a garden of blessed relationships can grow! Time to get my overalls on.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bible Humor

A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the chapter. Little Rick was excited about the task - but he just couldn't remember the Psalm. After much practice, he could barely get past the first line.
On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly, 'The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know.'

The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why.
'Well, Honey,' he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. 'I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon.'
'How come He doesn't answer it?' she asked.

During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing?'
Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and He did!'

When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, 'And all girls.' This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, 'Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls?'
Her response, 'Be cause everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'!'


Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away.
'Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer.' said his mother.
'I don't need to,' the boy replied.
'Of course, you do.' his mother insisted. 'We always say a prayer before eating at our house.'
'That's at our house.' Johnny explained. 'But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook!'

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter after-thoughts

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged....shame on me! The Lent season came upon us and I was so busy with things. Had a wonderful time of reflections and looking upon the cross. Lent is such a wonderful time of turning...of changing routines....of looking ahead with a sense of Christ's suffering....and then rejoicing! What a wide range of emotions we go through.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Ice Cream

My friend told me how she made this with her kids when it snowed. Well we are aiming to get over a foot in the next two days so I will try it!
Snow Ice Cream
8 cup snow, or shaved ice
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place snow or shaved ice into a large bowl. Pour condensed milk over and add vanilla. Mix to combine. Serve immediately in bowls. Store the rest in the freezer.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


"Praise isn't praise until God hears it.
Worship isn't worship until you hear God"

Baked Oatmeal

I brought this to our ladies Bible Study and everyone loved it. Here's the recipe:


3 cups rolled oats
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. salt, 2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup milk
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup chopped fruit (berries, apples, etc.)

In large bowl mix oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Beat in milk, eggs, melted butter, and vanilla. Stir in fruit. Spread into greased 9X13 pan. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes. Serve in a bowl with hot or heated milk.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


The Significance, Meaning, and History of Epiphany

Observed on January 6th, the Epiphany celebration remembers the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ. The name "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word Epiphania, and means "to show, make known, or reveal." The celebration originated in the Church in AD 361, beginning as a commemoration of the birth of Christ. Later, additional meanings were added - the visit of the three Magi, Christ's baptism in the Jordan River, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. These three events are central to the definition of Epiphany, and its meaning is drawn from these occurences.

For the Church, the Epiphany represents a responsibility to reveal Jesus as the Divine Son and Savior sent by God the Father to atone for the sins of mankind. It is a time of healing and fellowship, where the Church comes together in the covenant of brotherhood to love one another as Christ commanded.

Many Protestants mark Epiphany by taking down Christmas trees and burning them in bonfires. The related tradition of children "raiding" the tree of candy canes and other sweets before it leaves the home is popular throughout Europe and the United States. A favored custom in Central Europe involves "star singers". Children dress as the three kings and go caroling from door to door carrying a large star. In reward, they receive money or sweets, which often go to church charities and relief organizations.

For many Christians, the definition of Epiphany is a reminder of God the Father's unlimited love and mercy, which He has extended to all of mankind through the revelation of His Son, and of the hope of salvation that is now manifest for all who come to him in faith.