Just want you to meet our cats, Mia and Edgar Allen Poe. Edgar is named after the dark-side poet as we got him in October. Mia is short for "Miami Dolphins" which is Darren's favorite team. He is a die-hard fan.
"John Adams" David Mcullough "When the Elephants Dance" Tess Uriza Holthe Abraham Lincoln: man of faith and courage" J. Wheeler "Mother Teresa" Thomas Moorer "Stories of Mother Teresa" Edward Le Joly "The Christmas Sweater" Glenn Beck "Pilgrims" M. Osborne "The Lace Reader" Brunonia Barry "The Shack" Wm Paul Young "Three Cups of Tea" , Mortenson "Pagan Christianity?" George Barna, Frank Viola "Mary Todd Lincoln" forgot author, sorry "Eat, Love, Pray" Gibson "Martin Luther, the Christian Between God and Death" by Richard Marius "Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians" by J. Lawson "The Hard Sayings of Jesus" by F.F. Bruce "This is Your Brain on Music" Daniel Levitin "Rhett Butler's People" Donald McCaig "The Spirituality of the Cross, the Way of the First Evangelicals", Gene Edward Veith Jr. "The Hard Sayings of Paul" Manfried Brauch